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Showing posts from 2010

Belgium Winter 2010 Is another amazing white site.

Our area around Gooik had about 25 centimeters last night. What a beautiful winter wonderland, we even have icicles forming out our kitchen back door. very lovely. We already had a lot of snow but now this is making big records around here. MY vacation officially began today and I have two weeks off and heading to NYC with my Man for a bit of needed romance and rekindling, mainly just to be together and be together and do things together? get the point. together. HHHEEEEEE HUrray Happy Winter. M

dont they know, yes of course they do

BURR its here and there and everywhere its winter and the snow continues to break records and fall . more consecutive days than previously seen. and its really coming down now. In just a blink of time we will be enjoying a holiday in NEW YORK CITY. where it is also very cold and snowy. get ready winter time to play.

Carbon exchange issues

Damn the impunity, damn the exsitence that has given all potential greatness. It is the dilema of life that postulates such questions, like, If you fly doesnt that cause the largest carbon usage, compared to everything else combined?. YES I KNOW..... Flying is worse than burning down the forest. But I But but; Yeah usually there should be no; ifs ands or buts, BUT I am flying to NYC very soon and then Flying home and this is major pollution and part of the globe warming. What's a serious green believing woman to do? Yeah offset it and compensate. Yes I do that Plus I teach other people about the problems but I still have trouble sleeping. I have done a major service to the environment in these last years living In Belgium, But that service was educating others to make responsible choices as consumers and also to reduce reuse and recycle everything possible. Man alive. accept accept and then change. M

the scale of cold

how can it be that where I am from we use a different measurement for temperature. and how silly it is. I havent been a women of logic thus far in my life , only here and there really but , I have been fully emotional and responsive, I just cant grapple the idea of Fahrenheit or centigrade, roving on a scale that does'nt move uniformly ? WHY I am switching to Celsius and the metric system. Its just logical

Faster better quieter

The Benefits of a new tool usually only go so far. but if the new tool is a computer......... The outer delta rim of the universe is the limit, I have another name for this phenomenal place but at the risk of losing a brilliant idea i musnt reveal the specifics in order to protect my investment in the science hall of fame in the future. Postive thinker can you tell. Just testing the water M

waarschijnlijke liefde

Ik ben zeer blij dat de tentoonstelling was een succes. Ik voel me als een echte lerares. The American exhibition was great the students had a super time and I also enjoyed it. here are a few pictures from the event. thanks M

free week and free day today

today is 11-11-11 for Wappenstilstanddag. Its a free day and also today is the day of the woman. yippy a day free for that. sounds quite logical. The windy stormy weather is no gift. It has been blowing so hard that the wind is coming in from the sockets in the kitchen and not just a wee puff but a constant ice cold wind blowing directly into the kitchen. B and I just made a yummy dinner. it will be ready for eating in a few minutes. Yummy pasta with chicken and mushrooms and peas and kruidenkaas. LEKKER. We also played and nearly epic game of HOTEL and yes of course he won again like every game. He is the dominator of strategy. Me I have no strategy sense.? very bad but I cant help it. Ok. Just returned from the dinner session. YUM. talk to you later be happy and stay healthy. love M

baking from scratch is best left to Betty

The goddess of baking goodness. I have other callings i suppose. I tried my first attempt at baking from scratch scratch. no recipe just good old instinct, I know I have it down but the mixing is where I went all wrong. damn the egg white phenomenon. Anyway tying my luck with a lovely salad with fresh sundried tomatoes and garden sla and carrots. A nice Halibut steak and spinach puree. yummy . just waiting for the king to taste it. Cheers big ears

one more week and then Herfst Vacantie a week off. Hurray

I need a vacation from work so that i can do some simple things around the house. like the laundry and cleaning of the floors and other simple things like RELAX

ice and cold and wet; ijs en koud en nat

if you like it Icy cold and wet, come on over to Belgiƫ, you'll find plenty of chilly environments. the days are shorter the light is gone, the temps make even the thickest wool wearing sheep think about refuge. swaying trees and Blue high sky, the whisper of the willow just near by, the creaking of some and the crackle of others.

so I thought it was cold last week but actually it was'nt as cold as lately

Yikes my fingers are facing a new atrophy, they want to be revitalized with the warmth of the summer sand and the softness of the supple cashmere throw. they dance not so joyfully my fingers that is, in the limelight of what's to come. they are searching for remnant warmth frolicking in the air. they are searching nearly in vain.

falter low falling slow

when even the simplest thing wont work

This is Autumn, this is the leaf loosing wind blowing crisp time of year where the smell seems to help fog all memory, where the smell seems to linger on and on. I love Fall but only when the sun is out.

cold rain typical autumn

Brrr its chilly, we finally put our heater on today the 2nd of October. Getting ready to entertain and its best to have a warm house --to help make the people feel comfortable. Herfst is heir herfst is daar. the fall weather is everywhere. Stay well be healthy tot de volgende keer. M

4th week of goodness and English lessons

As the last few days of September are approaching, the winter chill is permeating the air again. I like Autumn I like Fall but the rain and chill proves I am not as cop-able as I was when I was a child. The bitter chill cramps my legs and causes tingles in my toes. Stay warm stay dry and drink plenty of soup, avoid catching cold and don't forget to wash your hands often. These are simple things I can recall from the youth that lingered by. best of wishes as the seasons change and we reveal the autumn of our lives. love M

Going to NYC

I am really looking forward to our NYC trip this December and January. We have our tickets bought and our hotels booked, we even have some activites ready and paid for. I know it will be cold and crisp but I hope that the snow is gentle until we leave. It's nice to have this trip as something to look forward to during the next wintery months working and slaving away. its always nice to have something up the road that is planned and desired.

swivel and sway that is the direction today.

constant movement in the oddest way . constant delivery and even replay. Time ever present and nothing to lose, Only the moments we choose to ignore, Time the oddest of senses tackling an emergent concept. today I ponder time just like I have before and still I have not gained insight but I am showing AGE. M

2 weeks into it (the schoolyear) and still running

I'm happy to be back and but looking forward to some chill time. Now that I am teaching writing I have a lot more work with the voorbereiding, class preparations. It's working out ok but its veel te veel werk. ahhhhhh I have a better idea how to teach this year as last year was my first in a school attempt and I still love it. be well eat chocolate m

inspiration is what we all need

The 1st week is over behind me and finished!?! What have I done? Did anyone learn anything or was it just a fly-by with no meaning? I do know what to avoid this week and how to streamline my activites. I shant give the opportunity to create chaos ...Again. although it was kindof fun I am ready for week 2 I hope My students are too. The inspiration we all need is that, there is value in what we do, that there is some vreemd meaning behind our actions and if we engage positively for the betterment of the human exsistence then is there a prize??? is there anything?? the goal of working towards a better planet is GREAT , but then what? people being better is the inspiration I am seeking I want people to BE the Change, take the inititive be accountable and hold up their responsibilty to being earthlings and having to share. M


We all have them; regardless of how great or insignificant, they can really help motivate us and also let us down terribly. I have great expectations similar to a early British writer. I want the world with all its good characteristics and none of the bad ones; However this is entirely impossible, there will always be two sides to a coin, they might have the same exact image on both but nonetheless there are two dimensions oh and possibly the edge counts as the third. Its my first week back and life has thrown amazing opportunities at me, and lucky for the world I am a good catcher. I am facing the situation of organization and seeking a positive outcome to alignment. I want to do my best but in order to do that I must be prepared in a manner that is slightly new and fresh, therefore more organized. yep I said I need more organization to effectively reach all of my students at whatever lever they are working at. Ouch , the egoless lady or little ego lady is speaking of a shortcoming ...

back to School

hello all you wild life learners. How are the lessons going.? how is the life treating you? Are you all being good students? Ok then, for your first homework I need all of you to figure out my plan for riches , to appear for my personal benefit as well as for the ability to buy a car and pay the taxes and insurance. hee hee I think that is an excellent homework assignment!. Ok the daydreaming must stop but it's nearly impossible. Tomorrow begins with the first day of school the first lesson back after a pretty good summer, 6 weeks in the USA and other pleasantries / Now work and my Dutch lessons in Brussels twice a week are the priority. Ok tot later success met de jaar M

complaint number 2

The time away from work is :was great and its funny how all the other colleagues make notice for how short the holiday away was. But for me It was great and almost too long. the time away from work is important for a break but if one is new like me ,then getting back into the swing of things makes its easier for the next holiday. I have so dilemas with my teaching classes and my learning classes for Dutch. what is the poor girl going to do. Oh heres the complaint. THE NEIGHBOOR'S DOGS BARK TOO MUCH !!!!!! The family and dogs were away for holiday and now there back and the dogs are the biggest pain in the EAR.

ok rain , you could move some where else!

Preparations for the new school year and the books are here and the roosters are getting full, My desire to teach and learn is strong but the overall concept is a bit heavy. I will continue to give it my all and help the English speakers of the world communicate. Plus i will keep going with my Dutch classes and make improvements there. Going to make a quiche with Prey en bacon. Yummy Off to the garden of my Shone ouders. THANKYOU love M

so long summer, back to work we must go

WOW its been awhile and I have a list of complaints to share. WORK the most dreaded awful word ever in any language. Who's bright idea was it to make the people work and how could it get so far.... Anywhooo I am back at GLTT and the threats and questions have already started about why I am not Fluent at Dutch. GOLLY I am doing my best and its still not good enough. Plus working a strange full time job from morning til night and taking Dutch classes jeepers There will be no life outside of this years job and the life with this years job might be so damn depressing I wont even be able to call it a life. well thats enough for the first round of complaints , oh yes Anderlecht didnt make it to the champions league 2-2 and the loss from penalties. sugar!

The weekend is over and so is the holiday

WE ARE officially back in Belgiƫ, and what a great summer break we had. Yesterday we celebrated with Opa Fons for his 90th Birthday and a super feest was had. plus Saturday evening after sleeping some of the jet lag away we went to friends for a Paella eating funtime for our friends birthday and there we saw our people back and stayed until the wee hours of the morning making it home at 445 golly. Our weekend is over and the reality is back in our face that the job must go on. Our love and peace as we adjust back to the Lovely european way and refine the good times into lasting memories from the Western USA.

HOme again home again Jiggidy jig

HELLO long awaited audience of goodness. Hark I have come back to the technological forefront of wisdom and to you I share in copious detail the ways of the West and the ways of melisa; But first i have to unpack and unwind. Blessings and Goodness, tot later. oxox mel

The final countdown

du dou dou dodododdo dou dou dou dododod do do do dooo dodododddddoooooo, If you know the song thats great if not dont worry ;) As the approach of a week comes into sight I am getting more anxious about THE USA TRIP? the road trip to places I havent seen and the meeting of my friends and family . I have only been away for 1.5 years this time but it is still some time away, babies grow fast in that time. We went shopping in Brussel for some simple nice tokens and then had a meal on the family with a viva box cadeau cheque for and Italian dinner for two. Its was ok, Free thats the best part. take care M

1st bike ride since 01/27/2010

AND boy did it feel right and good and hot and sweaty. The sun is out and so was I on a nice moderate over 20 kilometer ride to my Kine-therapy, I arrived totally dripping and bright red like the lobster I am. IT Felt great the wind in my hair the sun on my skin. No pains no problems. The only concern is the large steenwegs waar ik rij samen met de auto's maar dat part is niet te lang. ALL IS GOOD LIFE IS GOOD? THE SUN IS OUT. cheers big ears

Here's hoping voor Warme Dagen

I need summer you need summer we all need the sunshine and the energy-giving-rays of warm light. I hope we can catch some rays soon in the USA. My man and I are ready for lift off T- minus 14.5 days. Whoooooopppiiieeee BIJNA. The Ardennes were nice earlier today and this weekend, but the big rolling hills and valleys of the Willamette valley are so super. 't amusement MVG me

Why Did The U.S. Refuse International Help On The Gulf Oil Spill?

First of ALL. I am an American living and working in Belgium and I Cant understand how the US wont let the experts in dredging and the Experts in abatement not help. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. Golly, this is Not just a US PROBLEM, This is a marine ecosystem problem and all systems on Earth are linked through various counterparts of the environment. we should have an overrule clause or Environmental catastrophy clause that states cabable able willing participants to help aid and support the need of the US people and the world CAN work to solve the problem. Read about this and let me know what you think????????????????http://

The sludge from our house is flowing into the shower.... GREAT

I am so FUKKKKKKKKING pissed and stink like shit. Our house flooded in the shower the kitchen and the food storage room, there was more than 3 cm of standing poo water. Terrific way to start the day. I called the huis boss and let him know he has a problem and he came to check it out and then left to get his wife and they worked for an hour pushing a snake through the line to hopefully unclog the mess and with all this nice Belgian liquid sunshine in the form of tons and tons of rain the system backs up because its on the same line. A big no no in construction and septic tank 101. In order to save on the cost a a ten meter pipe lets just mix the two lines and no one will be the wiser. AH well my man and I are the wiser this is the second time a flodding has happened and we know exactly why. Cheap skate bastards who are in for >GREED and the quick buck. They seem very American. in their uncivil corner cutter bullshit. I have spent 3 hours pushing poo water out side of my house an...

nearly finished with administrative jail time.

The deliberatie was a success and tonight and tomorrow I have proclamatie at both of the schools I teach at. Should be simple and then another day of meetings for the English department and then doctors appointments and then Friday working in the evening to register new comers to the English language courses. and then ;;;; Late night driving to the Ardennes for a family weekend to celebrate Opas Verjaardag 90, but home quickly to vote on sunday. Hectic

Wij zijn bijna klaar, Ik Ben bijna klaar.

School is nearly finished and I am feeling the summer bug bite at my ankles for me to get finished and move to the next adventure. The great PNW, heading back home to the states for a 6 week vacation with my man. We are very ready for a vacation and what a super place to visit... I hope the sun is shining and the temperatures are high. All of the students who took their exams passed, I am very proud of my students for making a great effort and improving this year. Its not easy learning a new language especially when most of my students are over 60. Its a big accomplishment. Peace and Happiness Today is My baby bros Birthday. Here's a shout out clear from Belgium. Have a good day Bro.

the passage of the great enduring

There's been a delay and frankly I don’t give a damn. When there is little or no inspiration it is hard to create anything let alone feel like writing; to the masses. My great enduring is part of the life process called PAIN. get ready if you have only experienced it at an emotional level you probably are next to experience the passage of movement pain and muscle pain and nerve pain and bone pain and yep I am willing to share it. Its the sneakiest of all. One minute you are breathing the good life air and then the next you are restricted to a very limited movement where you are fighting for just the right amount to saturate your lungs and revitalize you again but in the combination of the restricted movement you are struck by electricity and then become more tense thus not letting the air pass normally ? sounds great doesn’t it. Live in my shoes for a day. this is the improved Me . I do have less pain in my back and arm and neck but I have the same nerve situation when the insi...

pain pain go away and never come back

Hi there cruel and disturbing world. I had some freakishly shocking electrotherapy tonight in Ninove. Was the shock of my life. Nice and puny I know. I hate elektrocutie I am faced with a nerve problem that is creating a life problem. One thing leading to the other and I am not even stressed, I am trying to be more chill and more zen than ever and yet the problem is getting worse. So the next step. Drugs. i am turning to the help of prescribed drugs to help my nerves and settle my brain down in-order to start recuperation, because right now the healing is posponed until my brain can settle down and chill the Ć !'(Ƨ!'(§Ć©" OUT. Chill out. Talk to you after my first two weeks of sedative helpfulness, Lets see if the pills work???????

End of the year creeping up.

School here in Belgium starts in September continues til mid January and Then From End January to June it is completed. Therefore the end of the school year is approaching. I have lots of tests to make and evaluations to do THUS paperwork is high. There are a few holidays in May and therfore time is slipping by? Starting on a few tests today. I will have the template ready for approval this weekend.

Time moving fast, actions improving slowly

I have a slight bit of frustration in my eagerness to be well and up and running again. Unfortunately, My frustration is reflecting what I can and cant do?! So yes time is moving fast and I need lots of time to heal and this is great but I am ready now. yesterday. the day before that. My Neck is a great source of electricity that pulses through my body and now is causing immense disruption to my life. I am going to see two more specialists. One on next friday and then the following on the tuesday there after. I hope they can tell me what is wrong and hopefully how to fix it. because what ever the hell it is.... It must be fixed. Alright enough about me. How are you? M

sometimes I see and feel marked improvements .....

But then they are temporary or daily. Which leads me to the humble life of intermediate acceptance of tiny successes. I learned a new trick from my therapist, to help my neck, because that is where the bulk of my recovery remains. I like tricks especially ones that add in health with out doing a lot of exercise. I sound Like an Old old Lady right, But we are all the same, trying to find the maximum return for a little as possible output. Anyway the sun is out and the life must go on. I am baking a quiche for tonight and will get my ingredients ready. cheers. One day at a time. M

big leaps and bounds for melisa

shhhhhhh dont say it too loud but I feel good today and I even felt good yesterday. The movements of my life are returning with leaps and bounds, well not exactly. I am not jumping around yet but I certainly think I can now. plus I think I want to again. Teaching is not a seditary activity for me thus, I am revisiting the old movements like writing on the board and then wiping the board clean and lifting the board up and pulling the board down. its great i feel everything in full spectrum. if i look up and then pull the board down, my back reacts a certain way . and visaverse if i look down. NOT GOOD YET because of the nerves in my neck, they are all outta wack. The way I knew it, the way I was will never be the exact same but the goal is to get as close as possible to being normal again. normal in a strong healthy radical moving kindof way. Peace out people. m

My Re-entry process into civilization has begun

I made it through my first lesson, 2nd,3rd and 4th and het gaat ok zeker niet 100% ik heb veel pijn een ik do mijn beste Well I am still alive and making it through. The good news is that i still love teaching and the students are happy to have me back. I have the week nearly under my belt and am glad the first week is almost over, only 5 more to go. Wish me luck, and if there is sunshine enjoy it. last night was our first spring freeze, chilly but sunny today. x m

Bachelorette party this weekend for the ladies

also Bachelor party for the men. should be a super fun-filled laugh a lot party session. I can't party to hard everyday this weekend because I return back to work from a

Bike Racing Fanatics and Die Hard Atheletes

Here in Belgiƫ, the people love cycling, the have a deep respect and cultural strength when supporting there atheletes. I am learning to appreciate this fanaticism. Tonight we are hosting a cycling party for some of our people to watch the Parijs-Roubaix race. We hope Boonen wins as he just came in Second for the Ronde van Vlaanderen, I was on tv for that, pretty funny, this time helping with starters and desserts for some of our people.

Friendly Visitors, remind me how great this world is

Just had a couple guests from OZ, "Austrailia". Great land super people. They only stayed one night but we sure had a Belgian Fuif, PARTY. Life is great when shared with others. the experience we each have fills a mozaic of living and paints an extraordinary picture of the diversity and challenges on Earth. So beautiful. Get your bags packed and made a road trip to a place near you. Or head out on a full tour. what ever you decide enjoy life one experiance at a time.

Excellent color choice

The Eet Kamer is complete and beautiful. Check out these picts Monoco Touch Nice Hugh?

aches and pains are on the menu this week

It's terrible to have cronic pain and lousy pain medicine. Hee hee; I have been feeling the entire network of nerves and tendons and muscles in my back from the therapy, which has now caused me to be in more pain than before the therapy and looking into Third opinions about the healing and the treatments. Last week I felt good and strong with some Pain but capable, this week I have big doubts. feeling weak and unable to do the sitting and laying comfortably. AAAHHH what will I feel tomorrow? I have crazy sport tape supporting my left shoulder holding it a bit higher. So far today its helping with the shoulder. Thats good.!

The pop of the yellow forsythia

The blooms are happening and as for the woody plants its always nice to see the first splash of big yellow in large shrubs. Forsythia is lovely and reminds me of the PNW and out my window at my desk I see a large varigated hedge with two forsythia on each side of a green woody shrub. Very nice contrast and pleasant for my eyes. Plus the baby sheep are hilarious running and playing games with each other. They do, follow the leader and then end up crashing and it looks like a silly dance of the white lambs. Jumping and twisting its entertaining. tot de volgende

Kinesitheraphy, promoting movement

A real hands-on approach is what is happening at my therapy sessions. Usually I feel less tense afterwards but realize a lot of work is still needed! Now i have been given exersizes to do at home to strenghten my CORE; AHHH that means flab around the ab baby. Its not easy, these exercises but maybe I can shrink an inch or so around the middle. Its all for the muscles that wrap to the back. Well I am off for a lesson of stabolisatie een rughygiene. luck M

Picking just the right color

You know its an interesting concept, the color choice concept. Especially when the color is for the wedding dress or the color is for the permanent paint on the walls in the eet kamer, or the color is for the well you get the idea. Which color(s) should we pick, which color(s) do I like most? and then there is the old, paint in the can looking much different than paint on the piece of paper trick? Light that's the most important aspect of color and in the right light the color of choice could appear absolutely perfect, but in the absence of light; major difference than the original picked color. I have my head and heart set on a very nice blue its from the colors del mundo collection which I have now seen in over 5 houses and also in restaurants so I am hesitant because I dont want people to walk into the house and say oh is that nepal from colors del mundo;; arggghhh so I won't be picking nepal but I thought MONACO touch. Heading to the paint store in Vilvorde, Coming home wi...

Spring time feelings yet limited movement

All in all the days are not so bad. I have a good life I have a good head and a good body a little extra fat around the middle but hey its still good. This leads me in the direction of spring fitness. Yes its time for spring cleaning and getting the body moving again. I am a very active person but have limited sporting time, I hope to make a routine happen, something like swimming once a week and badmitten perhaps,they are fun to do. and good for the health. Take care, think healthy and make action

position is good getting ready to launch

The feeling that healing is happening usually involves pain, well I have got that, so I must be healing. The therapy is working, the protective frozen muscles are finally relaxing enough to create a more fluid movement in my back. I am getting very bored this means I am on the mend. Every breath is getting deeper and every stretch is going further, Ready to be the old crazy Mel again. Well not to crazy yet one day at a time. good feelings positive vibrations and lots of healing love M

Without Hate

Here in Belgiƫ, there are very interesting signs. The one I really have grown fond of and was immediately attracted to was this sign. I have one from Gent but its white and not as nice as the blue. People place them in there windows of there houses to indicate tolerance and NO HATE. I am a huge fan, thats why I am sharing it with all of you. M

Snow, but only a teaser I think

I am sitting here listening to my fav radio syndicate station and I am watching the snow bustle and float in the air, funny that its snowing and yet it doesnt really seem like snow weather. For about 5 hours the dance in the sky with white little flakes, surprises me into thinking strangely. And nothing is sticking snow is falling yet the earth is still green, strange dontcha think? I see the resident pheasant, He is always around in the neighboring fields eating and nibbling the short grasses. He really is beautiful with the everlasting white ring neck and brilliant orange rust plumage, I wouldnt mind of few of his feathers, but thats not really nice thinking so I guess he can keep them for a bit longer.

MAART 1 2010

yet the begin of another month and the end of another month, this time travel through life's up and downs is truely amazing, the bliss and horror dance to create a mystical balance of all life's happenings. The best part is that we can see it all right infront of our eyes yet we have no idea what will happen next or if there will be a next time. WOW

From this to this

to this and beyond

Back to Belgiƫ

Good news we are home!! There was plenty of fresh snow and good times for the family on the Alpes, me I stayed in and took care. m

Going Skiing in France

Hopefully for my Belgian Family there is plenty of nice silky powder and lots of it.

largest traffic jam in history, brings Belgium to a standstill

Oh my goodness, yesterday records were broken and all dealing with cars sitting on the roads rather than driving. Something like a 900 Kilometer cluster buster DUDE 900 Kilometers, You are probably wondering how is that Possible in such a tiny country, ell Belgium has lots and lots of traffic just like the rest of the world. and when lots and lots of traffic mix with some fresh winter powder, People freak out and cant drive properly, not that they could before the snow but they really cant after the snow. Anyway just a little clip from a Pajottenlander's new perspective. groetjes, M

White Hyacinth

Now fully in bloom and wonderfully fragrant, they sit upon my desk as we both peak out the window in search of the suns'light I am reminded of all the Beautiful blooms and smells that are ever bounding in this miraculous and splendor filled planet Earth. We have to be the luckiest species and the most plagued organism on this world of wonderment. I was looking at images, some of which I captured and I cant believe my eyes again. its like When I see nature and am still surprised by how magestic an awe-inspiring it really is. The curse of the Earth may be humans now, but I do see innovation and creativity rising up for a new birth of enhancment on Earth. I remember a man from my past always said a statment he learned from his father and that was... "You can be part of the problem or part of the solution, you pick" Well as setiment gets repeated over and over the meaning finds its way into an unrecognizable form and then we forget.. I am chosing again to be part of the solut...

Zaterdag morgen en het zon is uit

I am up with the Birds and My Man, no sleeping-in when one has a broken vertebrae # 11. Sleeping is good in blocks of 3 hours, its kindof like having a baby to wake up and feed but I dont leave the bed and there's no baby. But every three hours I am stiff and need to adjust. Life is still good, Life keeps getting better but then I face big obstacles like crashing into a parked truck for no apparent reason and I am not suicidal or depressed or anything like that. VERY STRANGE. I have a beautiful new house with all new, totally chic Teak furniture and even a spaceship white leather couch, very modern and a super great place to sit and chill out. I have lots of windows thus natural light. Huge bonus in a living space, (lots of light)