I have a slight bit of frustration in my eagerness to be well and up and running again. Unfortunately, My frustration is reflecting what I can and cant do?! So yes time is moving fast and I need lots of time to heal and this is great but I am ready now. yesterday. the day before that. My Neck is a great source of electricity that pulses through my body and now is causing immense disruption to my life. I am going to see two more specialists. One on next friday and then the following on the tuesday there after. I hope they can tell me what is wrong and hopefully how to fix it. because what ever the hell it is.... It must be fixed. Alright enough about me. How are you? M
Travel is the most important apparatus to help eliminate ignorance, let us all get on the road to life with bright eyes and open arms. Once we embrace our differences we can begin to agree on fairness and being just.