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Showing posts from January 15, 2012

total success

According to my well executed plan I was indeed the first person to hand over all the admin bull ship, I feel great, and I did go to the kapper and what a transformation, black and the top black on the bottom and Bordeaux in the mix, Love to be someone else, aah i guess a bit like a rock star!! cheers big ears

dawning day drains delusion

The get-up-and-go, is gone. Finally the testing and point administration is over now, the order of the day tomorrow, rise and shine get to work be first to hand over all the admin Bull ship, then go to the beauty salon for a bit of a refreshing new look makeover action, then rush home to take care of the kiddies? yep there are kids in my life.? strange I know , you didn't miss that much, yet I have children,,;) no no silly I am babysitting, No breeding for us. ciao