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Showing posts from October 19, 2008

Sunshine and wind the perfect recipe for Autumn's Beauty

Hello People who love the fall weather especially this week in the PNW particularly Portland and SW Washington.. WOW MY bike rides are golden, the leaves of every color rip by and fill my view, the smell of the crisp air and the sounds of the acorns falling on the ground, all these things and more make my bike rides fabulous and desirable. I ride in a pretty low usage area this means I rarely see bikers and occasionally I see joggers and the such, absolutely peaceful. Enjoy the days and embrace the Beauty that surrounds us this week. Love M

Tuesdays with Grandma

Hello I had a wonderful funny and laugh filled day today. I entertained My Grandmother with jubilant delights and told her funny stories and she really had fun with me today .. this is a huge obstacle in an elder person's life , To have fun and Enjoy the time.. But i managed to help her forget the problems of the day while she smiled at me with Bright eyes and sweet accepting cheeks. I hope the day was just as grand for you. Tuttles, Mel

Back like a blaze of Glory

Made my way south for a small yet massive roadie.. the kind of roadie that the driving never seems to stop and the destination is not exactly what you expect, but the end result was beneficial and positive. I like to drive, but i also like the radio, or at least some music to sing along too, but my good old Volvo, isn't the beauty she once was, hey as far as the driving shes is queen but there have been a few radios stolen and now i figure what the point, I have reached a crossroad about missing and stolen property , GET OVER IT>>> People steal things or take things, But just as long as you or I am not the one causing suffering or problems for the other party .. Just keep Going. ANY way, There is a lot of rain in the forcast, and the temperature is chilly, Stay warm stay dry and Keep your head above water. LOve Me