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Showing posts from May 10, 2009

My family and the dogmatic nature

inheritant nature is not always inheritant from the genetic POV but of course just by using the word inheritant, there has to be a nuclear expression for the exsitence to have occured, but lets take the science of nuclear inheritence out of the equasion and think about the nature of the situation. What is this suggesting is that there is far more information in a single cell than most people can incorportate in there entire exsitence and I am mearly trying to utilize my brain power to manifest a better situation. Yet all the inheritant information of my past is no longer serving me in an effective manner/ Thus the observations and adaptations have to be from a learned expression and not a genetic one. can anyone explain the dogmatic nature. just a little fodder to ponder

all in the head of a person with a hook off.

Some say disturbance and stress are the among the few factors for why life on earth evolved into this complex web. I have seen many levels of distress and now I am processing it internally. My dreams from sleep are filled with angst terror and unsettled distruction, hopefully my days while awake I can find something else to pontificate about.

never mind that noise

goede morgen allemand Fruition; and the placement of the next Are we not all striving for the next big thing, are we all just wandering amlessly, yeah you think there might be purpose but who are you really serving. Can there be such a thing as fruition when the chaos around us says there is no point to anything and there can never be anything real. i am just another person looking for answers and everytime I turn a rock there is yet another question. constantly seeking fruition Yours M

to struggle while seeking perfection

Always there will be times of despair and let down, Always there will be corners cut while idle we sit, always i will strive for the maximum and the glory of the paramount attempt Always we can see the faults of our desire and the faults of our own vision; especially when we have eyes that have been adjusted so that only perfection is the optical barameter. I have left a life of mediocrity and i have found a life far less than desireable because i still see the faults in my own vision. This stuggle is the nice blanket- that is cozy and comfy for a while but then upon investigation its not the 800 thread count eqyptian cotton that used to cover me, its not the same soap that was used to clean it, its not the same water or wind or clothes line. the perfection I seek is the glossy article in the magazine, the article with modern art and historic rustic furniture and the beautiful colors and the nice dog laying in the window. where is my HOUND

stand up to the crowd

the tides flow the sun sets the horizon of your life can be fuller and brighter the moment is here for growth the moment is here for change even with the ebb and even with the moon, waxing and waning there is still room to stand up to the crowd