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Showing posts from August 30, 2009

Dealing with the pressures of having a job

Hey its all gonna be fine and dandy and its all gonna work out, but right now its like the ring of fire and I am burning with questions in the middle. I am very happy that I accepted a full time teaching pôsition, but .... I havent seen the clients or cusists or students yet and already I am exhausted, I have split work 70 %in St Genesius Rode and 30%in Halle and really the schedule is totally do-able with public transport, BUT I make it back home after 12AM MOndays and on Wednesday and Fridays after 1AM DUDE get a job and be miserably tired like the rest of us, should be the quote from my father HA HA all's well Happy weekend oh But I have to work tomorrow so when you come home make sure you are quite. HEE HEE love M

More from the Ardennes

Last week Beautiful Ardennes, Nextweek BIG change

After Having a fabulous time with the IN-LAWS in the Ardennes and sharing my good News with them I am delighted to share with you all. On Thursday the 27th Of Augustus, I had an exercise in teaching a lesson and then interview. Well there were 5 other candidates and some how I still managed to gleen one of the two jobs for teaching English. Beyond thrilled Beyond excited and Now the excitment is turning into nervousness. OH my Gosh what have I done, I accepted a JOB, Hee hee I NOW have to show up and WORK and according to my father and his supporters, 'Work and be miserable like the rest of us!' Well alrighty then I will just have to work and find the rewards, The part of the job that offers INcome will be the binding tie to keeping me happier plus I think about the exchange with the students and the freedom I have as conducting the room and well there are many hidden advantages that I am waiting to discover. ACTUALLY I am totally cut out for this role. This picture is me i...