Hey its all gonna be fine and dandy and its all gonna work out, but right now its like the ring of fire and I am burning with questions in the middle. I am very happy that I accepted a full time teaching pôsition, but .... I havent seen the clients or cusists or students yet and already I am exhausted, I have split work 70 %in St Genesius Rode and 30%in Halle and really the schedule is totally do-able with public transport, BUT I make it back home after 12AM MOndays and on Wednesday and Fridays after 1AM DUDE get a job and be miserably tired like the rest of us, should be the quote from my father HA HA all's well Happy weekend oh But I have to work tomorrow so when you come home make sure you are quite. HEE HEE love M
Travel is the most important apparatus to help eliminate ignorance, let us all get on the road to life with bright eyes and open arms. Once we embrace our differences we can begin to agree on fairness and being just.