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Showing posts from August 22, 2010

complaint number 2

The time away from work is :was great and its funny how all the other colleagues make notice for how short the holiday away was. But for me It was great and almost too long. the time away from work is important for a break but if one is new like me ,then getting back into the swing of things makes its easier for the next holiday. I have so dilemas with my teaching classes and my learning classes for Dutch. what is the poor girl going to do. Oh heres the complaint. THE NEIGHBOOR'S DOGS BARK TOO MUCH !!!!!! The family and dogs were away for holiday and now there back and the dogs are the biggest pain in the EAR.

ok rain , you could move some where else!

Preparations for the new school year and the books are here and the roosters are getting full, My desire to teach and learn is strong but the overall concept is a bit heavy. I will continue to give it my all and help the English speakers of the world communicate. Plus i will keep going with my Dutch classes and make improvements there. Going to make a quiche with Prey en bacon. Yummy Off to the garden of my Shone ouders. THANKYOU love M

so long summer, back to work we must go

WOW its been awhile and I have a list of complaints to share. WORK the most dreaded awful word ever in any language. Who's bright idea was it to make the people work and how could it get so far.... Anywhooo I am back at GLTT and the threats and questions have already started about why I am not Fluent at Dutch. GOLLY I am doing my best and its still not good enough. Plus working a strange full time job from morning til night and taking Dutch classes jeepers There will be no life outside of this years job and the life with this years job might be so damn depressing I wont even be able to call it a life. well thats enough for the first round of complaints , oh yes Anderlecht didnt make it to the champions league 2-2 and the loss from penalties. sugar!