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Showing posts from April 8, 2012

De man van mijn leven is terug!!

Lucky me I say, lucky me to have someone to share the world with. even though he has a funny new grin which sets my alarms on but. it is charming and inviting thus, I accept it as part of the freedom experience, travel enlightens. Rain is here but its ok for my tulips which are getting ready to bust. I planted 178 bulbs and the patches are going to be black yellow red, like the Belgian flag But my partner says that I perhaps planted the German flag. darnit, I might have got it wrong. totally by accident. will see when they are full of color. til later aligator

Vrolijk pasen

Its Easter, Happy Easter everyone. Enjoy the day and enjoy your family especially if you are in the presence of your loved ones. give thanks appropriately and rejoice for it is spring and fresh and healthy for life. xo M