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Showing posts from September 12, 2010

swivel and sway that is the direction today.

constant movement in the oddest way . constant delivery and even replay. Time ever present and nothing to lose, Only the moments we choose to ignore, Time the oddest of senses tackling an emergent concept. today I ponder time just like I have before and still I have not gained insight but I am showing AGE. M

2 weeks into it (the schoolyear) and still running

I'm happy to be back and but looking forward to some chill time. Now that I am teaching writing I have a lot more work with the voorbereiding, class preparations. It's working out ok but its veel te veel werk. ahhhhhh I have a better idea how to teach this year as last year was my first in a school attempt and I still love it. be well eat chocolate m

inspiration is what we all need

The 1st week is over behind me and finished!?! What have I done? Did anyone learn anything or was it just a fly-by with no meaning? I do know what to avoid this week and how to streamline my activites. I shant give the opportunity to create chaos ...Again. although it was kindof fun I am ready for week 2 I hope My students are too. The inspiration we all need is that, there is value in what we do, that there is some vreemd meaning behind our actions and if we engage positively for the betterment of the human exsistence then is there a prize??? is there anything?? the goal of working towards a better planet is GREAT , but then what? people being better is the inspiration I am seeking I want people to BE the Change, take the inititive be accountable and hold up their responsibilty to being earthlings and having to share. M