That was the magic question being posed for all the children to figure out. I love tootsie pops and wish I could have a grape one for the day. Funny what the brain wants to sort out. just a nostalgic moment waiting for the next transmission. Ok back to reality, The day is nice and the coffee was good, I now am a Senseo drinker, its good, easy and affordable and there is a nice head on the coffee but I probably had enough for the day. Going for a walk to the hair cutter and hoping to come home with shorter hair. love and kisses and wish me success , god only know what i might look like if someone wants to play naughty with the scizzors. tot ziens M
Travel is the most important apparatus to help eliminate ignorance, let us all get on the road to life with bright eyes and open arms. Once we embrace our differences we can begin to agree on fairness and being just.