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Showing posts from December 6, 2009


things will get better, not just for the individual but for the collective. If we all reduce our energy inputs then we will all have less outputs, WASTE baby good old WASTE. Human and the human exsistance is a machine for creating BY-products. One of those such By-products are other wasteful humans. Lets all make better decisions for the best future livable. If we can use something for the duration of its life and then properly dispose of it that is better than buying something newer because we think we need it. better windows in your houses WALK and BIKE and use the trains and Buses yeah I know they are late but its better for the collective. But its true sometimes we reduce one problem and then a silent more deadly one arises LIKE STRESS. Just do the right thing its MORAL fiber that Helps the maintanance of the exsitence. its moral Integrity to keep the fellow brotheren and sisteren with-in reach for assistance. Stop Being so selfish and get involved with making the world a be...