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Showing posts from May 17, 2009

create a system that everyone is obliged too

Well for the first time in My Whole life anywhere on Earth I was escorted off the road into an Alcohol Control Check Point and its Not Voluntary its Obligatory and there are no, Ifs, Ands Or Buts about it. it went like this. I was scared shitless and was counting how many beverages I consumed in this day and, which was only four beers in a total of 10 hours. I first had a free Jupiler at 4 oclock then an Orval ummm tasty at 430 Then I went to my Dutch class and was there for three hours and then to the Fruituur at 1020 for some fries with mayonaise and then to The Youth house for an Orval at 1100 and then at 1200 a New type of yummy beer called Quintine. Then after parting ways with my people I walked to my car and remebered What my Man said about not drinking to much, I looked up at the star filled sky and took some deep breathes and drove towards home. I was actually driving a bit slower because i was not in any hurry and well it was approaching 2 am and it was relaxing with no c...