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Showing posts from November 16, 2008

the weekend is almost here

What is your big plan for the weekend? Me .. another day on the work farm. ah ha well I am heading back to the place i have roots, yeah pretty deep ones.. the kind of roots that taught me so many great lessons about life and me as a player in life.. like not giving up even when the softball knocks the wind out of you from a fast impact to the chest, or better dress warm its getting chilly out.. that one i am still learning oh and how about dont wait until the last minute to start the project...... I am still learning that one too and listen to your parents, and the do as i say not as i do....... ha ha how funny considering that thinking is nothing and action is everything and setting a good example for you baby brother what about the lesson.... any way take care stay warm .. eat less drink more water less plastic bottles . reduce reuse and recycle.

What Can I Say

Now that I am an adult and I have to deal with the world with Adult eyes and a semi mature brain, and feel the emotions of the adult dramas and listen to the adult talks and all of the adult things.. I am ready to be a child again.. Yes to have the ultimate carefree existence. the one that holds no obligation . the one that holds no real identity, the one that offers every plausible and possible explanation for the beauty that wraps us all up... to be the simple child free from responsibility free from liability free from constraints...... wow.. what sets us apart. my delusional capacity to reflect jovially and enlist a playful rhetoric about the good old days.. no of course not. what sets me apart is that I am free to live with out restraints but .. I am never free from me.. Me, myself and I .. the only thing I have to worry about at this point in my life seriously. What can I say .. I am aging and so is my mind and especially my body .. damn the wrinkles damn the excess fat, damn the...