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Showing posts from May 3, 2009

Mothers Day

To all the Mommies, Mothers, Mamas, Mums, Ma's, Moeders, Madres, AND MOMS. Hoping this Mothers day serves you like you have served your children. With Admiration, Love and Respect. M

career launch, imagratie and then school

Sometimes the days are packed so full I am not sure when to breathe and other days are so damn boring I not sure about everything. Yesterday was a jam packed eventful day, up with the sun and helping with food items then working on applications on the computer, then with the bus and then tram to Flanders Expo for the Job Fair, which i think was ok and well organized but with potentially little avail ;~/ Then the Tram to the SintPeters Station for the train, 41 minutes later arrive in Denderleeuw then picked up by the parents of my Beau and a very pleasent ride to Gooik for paper work to take to the gemeentehuis (town hall) then I walked to the bus in Leerbeek and off the Halle for school. Then picked up at 10pm and an hour ride to GENT, back home. DUDE BUSY Later cats meow

Morning with showers but action is still happening in the house

I still love my Classical music radio station via the internet. The comfort and connection brings me back home the the PNW A place I miss dearly and would love to drop in. Maybe later this year ;) I have been a busy bee this am up at 535 and cleaning and organizing the house. Tomorrow is a career-launch fair here in Gent. I am going to see what they offer in types of work available. I am very tired of not WORKING. RIDICULOUSLY over it. be well stay dry and whatch out for Blue Ice.

Survived the feest and kicked them out at 7 am

Hello funny and kind world. WE HAD An Awesome party, sorry for those who missed it. Potentially another in a month. I am very glad for the attendees' that wore themed attire. Here is a funny picture of the Cara Pils version of Mega Mindy (melisa) Cheers later peace