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Showing posts from November 19, 2006

The Final Week 7 Days More

This is the remaining week for me in Oregon. How lovely my time has been. the scenic beauty and the mellow vibe, the ivory tower for environmental understanding, if there is such a thing. the people that make this place special are the social interactors and the more recluse spirited types, you know the complementary couple. the outgoing people person and the articulate quiet person. I am so glad to have an array of people in my life. So many indeed, that I feel like I practically know everyone, well at least I am open to receive it.. thanks Oregon thanks Oregonians and the oh so many transplants. Just make sure there is room for ME when I come home.. Whats More, I am on the final stages to packing and sorting the stuff, the stuff that gets to travel with me.. you know that stuff, the shoes, the umbrella, the camera, and of course all that darn Medicine, to keep one somewhat well or atleast less ailing than-if they didn't have it. So. today is laundry day, to wash the clothes I ha...

Counting our blessings not our Problems. 7 days to fly

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to those who participate. Me I am willing for the food and sweets and the thankfulness but.. the other events of the day .. well.. Football, drinking, smoking, interesting family conversations, well... Not so fond of that aspect but, I will be here with stride and a happy face for all those who want to see me.. the Wild girl in the family, the world traveler and adventure seeker. the crazy girl who takes the edge of the bad boys in the family because now all eyes are on me.. GREAT you are welcome uncles and cousins. HAHA Back to the day. I am in Washington state now. to celebrate something the unfamiliar the oh so familiar, who really knows how the day will proceed.. but let me tell you this.. Today I will count my Blessings not my Problems even though in an environment like this the reverse would be easier... well, leave it to me to pick a difficult task but I am ready.. Thanks thank you and Be well.. Yours, Melisa

Cool Wind Possible Snow 8 days to go

Good Morning~ today I am Leaving California, I have minimized my personal effects to fit into a couple suit cases, seems odd that only last week I had enough to fill a house or two. I decided to go for it. To sell all my personal belongings and the material stuff that maintains a sense of gravity, you know the stuff that owns you rather than the other way-round. Well I sure did It. I realize how well of an acquirer I am, Living in a the west makes one see how easy it can be to collect and store all types of things that, yes indeed can serve us but, basically they keep us put, they maintain a level of comfort and people rarely seek other forms of comfort because that type of change is most often refuted. Why change a good thing people often say.? well why not..?! So, The snow may start to fall and the roads may be icy but I will perservere and rove onward so, in the same fashion that keeps so many people moving ahead or atleast moving. Bon vovage California. North bound, up to home-sw...

9 Days til Departure Gaining Momentum

There is no time like the Present.. To gather and prepare for the journey ahead. the excitement is near and the air is crisp and cool, I wait for the last tether to be cut. only time is my adversary only time is my friend. going trough the day with a new type of end.... the beginning.. round and round tic toc goes the clock. Soon come soon enough indeed. Thanks for being here with Me. Later Melisa

Preparing to leave the USA enroute India

As I ponder and pontificate the delivery, I wonder ( wow ) I am going to be gone a while ~ 1.5 years, what new roads await and where will I end up? Please join me as I begin my RTW. I am gathering the images and ideas to facilitate this medium for which I keep my people up to date with where I am and what I am Doing. Hey thanks for the Interest best of luck and be well. Melisa