Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to those who participate. Me I am willing for the food and sweets and the thankfulness but.. the other events of the day .. well.. Football, drinking, smoking, interesting family conversations, well... Not so fond of that aspect but, I will be here with stride and a happy face for all those who want to see me.. the Wild girl in the family, the world traveler and adventure seeker. the crazy girl who takes the edge of the bad boys in the family because now all eyes are on me.. GREAT you are welcome uncles and cousins. HAHA
Back to the day. I am in Washington state now. to celebrate something the unfamiliar the oh so familiar, who really knows how the day will proceed.. but let me tell you this.. Today I will count my Blessings not my Problems even though in an environment like this the reverse would be easier... well, leave it to me to pick a difficult task but I am ready.. Thanks thank you and Be well..
Yours, Melisa
We love you and want you to know we are excited with you and about your new life/adventure, even though you wish not to try to make any of us understand why you are doing this at this time in your life, except that you can/wish to.
We will miss you terribly, probably more than you care or wish to care. You are our family and we only wish you the best of lifes advertures with great repect and LOVE.
Please be safe ,be happy, and BE FREE!!.
Love You, Love Us,
Aunt Vicki and Uncle Gary