I can cross three more cities and towns off my all mighty list of places to see in and around Belgie. On the drive outta town we passed through Luik aka Leige, a nice city with sketchy people and high crime, but nothing happened to us and so it was fine; we did however see two empty wallets strewn on the ground in a very short distance in addition there was a fare share of local panhandlers asking for some money for the fix of the day, but also there was a good police presence and therefore the safety was not to bad.
The town its self was nicer then one would expect, its hidden and strange, there are many little towns around it so getting into the center one must drive down into the midden. There is new construction for the train stations and its modern and fresh. If one walks to the water there are historic buildings that are right out of the middle ages, rustic slanted and wooden appeal. quite cool really.
After only speeking French, we moved on to MAASTRICHT, Holland.
Large fresh Clean sassy town, with a huge nice square and fun Coffee shop boats, One famouly named the Mississippi.
The day was crisp and clean the light was exceptional the hotel was great and there was delicious food.
We stayed one night and then motored to the Next town, back to Belgie, MAASEIK; as OUR FINAL DESTINATION was in search of:
Het Terracotta Leger van XI'an, Schatten van de eerste keizers van China
WOW, very awesome gift very special and eye opening, the only problem were the hundreds of people not paying attention and totally causing a human-pinball effect in the exhibition room, basically like wild animals;; I have seen a herd of buffalo be more civil:::::::::
check out these pictures and imagine having any army of men 8000 with their horses and their carriages and their weapons and technics READY TO DEFEND YOU IN THE AFTER LIFE................................