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Showing posts from March 21, 2010

The pop of the yellow forsythia

The blooms are happening and as for the woody plants its always nice to see the first splash of big yellow in large shrubs. Forsythia is lovely and reminds me of the PNW and out my window at my desk I see a large varigated hedge with two forsythia on each side of a green woody shrub. Very nice contrast and pleasant for my eyes. Plus the baby sheep are hilarious running and playing games with each other. They do, follow the leader and then end up crashing and it looks like a silly dance of the white lambs. Jumping and twisting its entertaining. tot de volgende

Kinesitheraphy, promoting movement

A real hands-on approach is what is happening at my therapy sessions. Usually I feel less tense afterwards but realize a lot of work is still needed! Now i have been given exersizes to do at home to strenghten my CORE; AHHH that means flab around the ab baby. Its not easy, these exercises but maybe I can shrink an inch or so around the middle. Its all for the muscles that wrap to the back. Well I am off for a lesson of stabolisatie een rughygiene. luck M