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Showing posts from May 1, 2011

love is shown in many forms

AND Boy do I have a beauty!!! This is MY new special love ring, the token of choice, the token of adoration. I am the lucky girl who gets to wear it. NOT TO BAD Ehhhh.? Rubies and Diamonds how can a girl go wrong.!! Love M

unbelievable summer like weather

This old girl is going for brown this year. actually ' omdat ik een roodhuid ben, het is gemakkelijk om te bruin worden;;;;; DUS gav me het zon AUB. I love the vitamins and the look of nicely protected tan skin. I always use SPF 50 because of the wrinkles even though I have native Blood. Take care stay protected and enjoy the fine weather!! M

Beautiful Spring

We are very lucky Here in België It is marvelous the warm and sunny weather abounding for us. we are delighted to enjoy the vitamin D as we are all facing a deficiency. Let it be spring let it shine so bright!! happiness from Europe. M