This is the remaining week for me in Oregon. How lovely my time has been. the scenic beauty and the mellow vibe, the ivory tower for environmental understanding, if there is such a thing. the people that make this place special are the social interactors and the more recluse spirited types, you know the complementary couple. the outgoing people person and the articulate quiet person. I am so glad to have an array of people in my life. So many indeed, that I feel like I practically know everyone, well at least I am open to receive it.. thanks Oregon thanks Oregonians and the oh so many transplants. Just make sure there is room for ME when I come home.. Whats More, I am on the final stages to packing and sorting the stuff, the stuff that gets to travel with me.. you know that stuff, the shoes, the umbrella, the camera, and of course all that darn Medicine, to keep one somewhat well or atleast less ailing than-if they didn't have it. So. today is laundry day, to wash the clothes I have left and carefully pick the choice articles to take with me.. happy washing happy folding, may the right shirt be packed.
Thanks and Good luck
I will watch it with interest.
Now come sleep on our couch!
We love you and wish you a great trip with no complication, sickness, wierd reaction to medicines, help phone calls to home and that you return to us as you leave - our beautiful Melisa.