Good Morning~ today I am Leaving California, I have minimized my personal effects to fit into a couple suit cases, seems odd that only last week I had enough to fill a house or two. I decided to go for it. To sell all my personal belongings and the material stuff that maintains a sense of gravity, you know the stuff that owns you rather than the other way-round. Well I sure did It. I realize how well of an acquirer I am, Living in a the west makes one see how easy it can be to collect and store all types of things that, yes indeed can serve us but, basically they keep us put, they maintain a level of comfort and people rarely seek other forms of comfort because that type of change is most often refuted. Why change a good thing people often say.? well why not..?!
So, The snow may start to fall and the roads may be icy but I will perservere and rove onward so, in the same fashion that keeps so many people moving ahead or atleast moving. Bon vovage California. North bound, up to home-sweet-home for the reunion of the family and friends, to celebrate the beginning of a journey and the end of a epoch era of finishing college. I am ready.
Be well and Good Luck