After Having a fabulous time with the IN-LAWS in the Ardennes and sharing my good News with them I am delighted to share with you all.
On Thursday the 27th Of Augustus, I had an exercise in teaching a lesson and then interview. Well there were 5 other candidates and some how I still managed to gleen one of the two jobs for teaching English.
Beyond thrilled Beyond excited and Now the excitment is turning into nervousness. OH my Gosh what have I done, I accepted a JOB, Hee hee I NOW have to show up and WORK and according to my father and his supporters, 'Work and be miserable like the rest of us!'
Well alrighty then I will just have to work and find the rewards, The part of the job that offers INcome will be the binding tie to keeping me happier plus I think about the exchange with the students and the freedom I have as conducting the room and well there are many hidden advantages that I am waiting to discover.
ACTUALLY I am totally cut out for this role.
This picture is me in front of the train stop called De Hoek in Sint Genesis Rode and the other is me after the phone call that invited me to work with the school. The next images are from the Ardennes.
Smell you later
love M