Now fully in bloom and wonderfully fragrant, they sit upon my desk
as we both peak out the window in search of the suns'light
I am reminded of all the Beautiful blooms and smells that are ever bounding in this miraculous and splendor filled planet Earth. We have to be the luckiest species and the most plagued organism on this world of wonderment.
I was looking at images, some of which I captured and I cant believe my eyes again. its like When I see nature and am still surprised by how magestic an awe-inspiring it really is.
The curse of the Earth may be humans now, but I do see innovation and creativity rising up for a new birth of enhancment on Earth. I remember a man from my past always said a statment he learned from his father and that was... "You can be part of the problem or part of the solution, you pick" Well as setiment gets repeated over and over the meaning finds its way into an unrecognizable form and then we forget.. I am chosing again to be part of the solution and the change.