The deliberatie was a success and tonight and tomorrow I have proclamatie at both of the schools I teach at. Should be simple and then another day of meetings for the English department and then doctors appointments and then Friday working in the evening to register new comers to the English language courses. and then ;;;; Late night driving to the Ardennes for a family weekend to celebrate Opas Verjaardag 90, but home quickly to vote on sunday. Hectic
Ok, so the rivers of Earth Were formed from large collections of rain from many many clouds after the great fireball earth cooled, millions of years ago, and it took man a mere 5000 years to putrefy them.. nice work man........ ok Yep my new job is great. I live doing something productive. the slow pace of settled India is to slow, I went on a walk with some elder women in my home upstairs, they take one step then the next and so on and I usually wait for the 12th step before I take my first one.. SLOW man I MEAN SLOW...its interesting for me.. I am a running dashing dancing prancer,, I can really move it... hah ha.. so this new speed of life .. I am glad I am a visitor.. any whoo.. blessing and peace. Auntie
I've been reading this meltwithyou-thing now for a while with great pleasure.
Nevertheless some comments:
1) Who's Crumpet?
2) Why did the wedding didn't make it on your blog? Do you really remember nothing about it?
3) One advice for this sunday: don't look for Obama, he's ruling the world but he's not on our list...
Keep on writing the stuff, it's my entertainment for the weekly tuesday-evenings in Amsterdam!