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Showing posts from 2007

made it to Picton: what a drive

Hello and happy Christmas and new year time.. I am in the most northern tip of the south island and will be taking a ferry called the Interislander: Kaitaki Challenger tomorrow for Wellington.. hurray new scenery .. and different feeling should be nice and wonderful just like i am seeking. anyway till next time much love m

Hector Dolphins Playing in the surf


Westport NZED: What a stunning Coast line.

HI there Great wide spaces and places with people I know and love. I made it to the NorthWest Spot of all Delights .. Last night After Driving my New Toyota Corona, Nearly 500Kilometers, I found the exact place I wanted to go to.. The Old Slaughter House..IN HECTOR NEW ZEALAND, up on the Hill Built 10 Years ago./. Just Fabulous.. I will Be drving back out there today as I had to come into town to plug into the tech world and let you all know what is happening.. the drive was wonderful over Arthurs Pass and the rains are here and everyone else has something bad to say about them but ME>> i love this stormy coast weather.. the sound of the surf so magical.. I am in a tiny spot and loving this environment. Thinking about staying thru Christmas will see how things work out.. Best of wishes and love Melisa

Arthurs Pass get ready for Melisa

After packing some of my things better inside there proper bags i am going for it.. I will be heading through newzealand cutting the south island in half in the northern central area which dumps me out at greymouth and there i will be heading north a bit to go stay at the old slaughter house . apparently it is right on the beach and they have New Foundland pups.. DUDE I am so there! Any way best of the Christmas stuff. LOVE MEL

Bought a CAR: Heading towards Greymouth

YES, Let the journey Begin. I was invited to a private company christmas party for the people of Macpac, very nice place to party and relax with my friends before hitting the open road. I AM HOPING for a smooth ride in my old clunker. Best of holiday wishes, love mel

CrCh Botanical Gardens.. lovely spot to hang for the day

Today was well spent with tour-walking around the Botanical Gardens in Christchurch, then ending up with a nice Nor' wester Beer from DUXdeLUX that weighed in at 6.4 % Yummy.. the garden was great.. walking around massive sequoias and hemlocks and oaks and pines.. shit I was missing home and then stood underneath a gigantic hemlock and lost it .. all emotions and feeling stirring and then the little cone on the tip of the Branch arrangement ..was strring right back at me and wow... oh man .. I thought I was home.. but then realized I am wearing a tiny tank top and its December 12Th and the sky was blue and the temperature was down right muggy and hot.. funny .. but .. very good time lapse. anyhoo. I am still here and chomping at the bit to carry on and be very busy with travel.. because the busier I am the less i have to think about .. only getting to and from places.. great distraction travel is. best of wishes. love melisa

Do they know its christmas time at all?

The season is right , if only for an hour or two but, it is very hard to tell that its christmastime.. I have heard a couple carols and, oh boy I do love them. I am still In Christchurch in the Port hills area and it is a lovely place. I am learning about the bottle shops that have many many varieties of fresh brew and all one needs is the two liter bottle and whamo they can have a fresh beer for the road.. but of course not to be consumed whilst driving .. obviously people. any way . have a great day, stay dry and fresh. melisa

Banks Penisula: Two caldera greet meet.

what a wonderful drive and place to arrive.. as many people can imagine New Zealand is a host for the scenic abundance, this means, that every turn in the road produces yet another spectacular view.. The drive to Little Town and Akaroa finishing at the Banks Peninsular was really a lovely view.. HI great new world. I am getting ready to buy a car, I have already been a couple minutes late on two really nice cars that went like wild fire.. but that is fine. there are plenty of backpackers here who are ready to sell.. So far I have only made my way out about 90 kilometers from Christchurch but.. just enough to really get into the secluded peaceful places I have been seeking .. Any way till next time. love and happiness. melisa

15 degrees of absolute beauty

AHHHH.. I finally made it NZED // I am sitting at a computer station .. I am listening to as many of my people know this is my favorite radio station EVER... I am starting to weep .. As I am moved by the familiar piece of piano music conducted by Alfred Brendel, THE MOONLIGHT SONATA BY BEETHOVEN which evokes all emotions and allows me to feel sad and allows me to be engulfed with longing and .. then I ponder what am I doing .. where are my people. I made it to a remarkable place and where is my contentment.. I feel Like this is silly .. me traveling. I am ready for something extreme. I want to take a nice train ride soon and go to some of the most scenic places on Earth .. I heard someone say that /.. If they were going to die soon, and they wanted to see the world, they should only visit New Zealand.. You know what, I am starting to relish this idea.. as I look out the window and see the crisp air and mountains with clouds dancing on the tops of them .. everyone has...

A place to meet Melbourne


Melbourne and its splendid appeal.

Thanks for the giving and GIVING

I miss you and LOVE YOU

rain rain and then the cyclone

Yes that is right there is a naughty little storm named GUBA writhing off the coast of us here in northern tropical queensland. just what I need .. a big bit of rain and wind.. oh lawdy .. I was being sarcastic.. there is plenty of rain. but nothing I am worried about. be well more later.

counting the days but kindof sad. Love my work.

After all Life is for living not working but what fun would life be if we didnt have the contrast between the leasure time and the serious productive grunt time.. I enjoy working, the structure I have, the people I interact with .. especially here at the Lagoon Cafe.. It is wonderful being in a very social zone and getting paid while making people laugh as I am making them a delicious Iced coffee or something like that.. .. So the days are counted and the departure date is, well a bit like a moving target but I get there eventually even if i have to catch a quicki flight and just suck it up with the most quickest route, not the most scenic. I have thoroughly enjoyed working for the family I have been. All KUDOS to them and the re Bright Future with the new Buisness, Millar's Kitchen!!!~~~ Basically this is a HUGE THANKS to those sassy and spirited Hardings, that love me and know me.. THANKS FAMILY!

Place your Bets: Its Melbourne Cup time

The Melbourne Cup has been a day of glamour, prestige and celebration for the past 143 years and is that one Tuesday in November where Australia stops for a horse race. If there should ever come a day that a country might be vulnerable I would reckon that it would be yesterday:Melbourne Cup day yep that just might be it.. Fancy attire and what appears to me a classy feeling... all betting on a spectacular event where a 1000 pound beast pumps and snorts and grinds the grassy soil as it sprints into the distance with the jockey trying to get across the line first.. wow.. the thrill and rush. especially if you placed a bet.. like I DID>. yep .. I am not the gambling type.. NO SUR'REBOB but I managed to place 4 bets and guess what I did.. YES>>!! big beginners luck action happening for me.. I picked 3 of the top 4 horses and if I hadn't been such a cheep skate I would have broke the bank.. HA HA.. The WINNER was Efficient then Purple Moon then Mahler.. HOLY toledo.. the fo...

NIght Fishing on the GBR, what a shark tale

Hiya Strange world, I am back and this time refreshed and really to have a tell tale about my last night. My neighbour across the street has a brand new boat nice one too. he offered to take me out on its maiden voyage but i couldn't make it but last night I set off for a very eventful evening of night fishing, and oh what a night, we launched from a small town just north of where I live near Port Douglas, that's the pictures above. We set off to catch Spanish mackerel or something edible and let me tell you what we caught instead. First stop, petrol and ice as we bought ice and the lot we came back to the vehicle and there was a lovely yellow large hummingbird flying around inside, this I thought was good.. If we can catch a bird with out trying we were sure to catch some fish. Launched the boat at 5pm 1.75 hours before sun fall. Absolutely beautiful. Crystal clear aqua marine water and the biggest permagrin on my face.. we be-lined, with the GPS recording, over to Double Isl...

That was no Halloween Joke.. Everywhere are the....

Creepy Crawlies, I have become so accustomed to seeing the range of insects, spiders and frogs and snakes that now I just invite them in and give them tea and a biscuit, then send them outside. Its funny Most bugs want nothing to do with us stinky humans but there are a few that really like our companionship, those would be the cockroaches; funny shinny big eyed big antennae creep crawly jumpy things.. Well not to many more dramas. What’s MORE, along this journey of mine I have travelled through Asia Minor. INDIA, well over 855,000 Kilometres, from the southern Most States of Kerala and Tamil Nadu to some of the Northern states including Sikkim, Rajasthan and Bihar. After doing the Mainland I decided to carry on to some of the most beautiful Islands ON the Face of the Planet. The Andaman’s, WOW baby talk about private wonderful and glorious. After Asia Minor I decided to carry on to Thailand thus far in the world of travel MY FAVOURITE place. Furthering my travel to, Myanmar, Lao and C...

day off and the weather was s*&^t. how perfect is that

Hiya wonderful world.. I am at work after 12.5 hours of slow times.. Business is not very good when nobody shops well not exactly nobody but very few people and the weather is a big factor for the clientele here at the lagoon.. Anyway I did my laundry yesterday.. big day of domestic work.. .. wow talk about terrific news I am providing you .. Yeah I know pretty boring stuff well.. sorry folks.. OK here is not a boring episode.. I have been living in a room with only ladies for over one month and a half.. a six berth room.. three sets of kids bunk beds.. well that was room 52 ,, I quite enjoyed that room . because I was the longest resident and it was basically my room . the elder of the bunch, but then . a large group of Americans came to the Backpackers for a two night sleep over heading to Cape Tribulation .. well, I was relocated.. that wasn't so bad but this is where it gets interesting .. I had to live right next to the front door, luckily on the bottom bunk.. this was alright...

Happy Halloween are you spooky or sassy?

Greetings from hot tropical Queensland, and man is it hot.. I basically sweat vigorously whilst working at the lagoon and I generally love it .. but when its hot its uncomfortable.. oh well tomorrow is my day offski.. I am going to relax in the sun with factor 90 on - and not get a sun burn like 87% off the humans here .. always getting sunburnt to a crisp. silly and foolish all day long.. booom boom an't it great to be crazy. they dont celebrate many holidays here like halloween, why celebrate one day when many of the people here are spooky the whole year . ha ha .. dont take that the wrong way ozzies. Theres no thanksgiving.. no pilgrims landed here.. HA HA I think they have big old Barbies for dec 25 and easter and things like that... bbq that is the ozzie staple.. what your celebrating something, lets throw meat on the barbie.. yep.. \ I had a falafel kebab burrito thang the other night it was quite nice.. they dont have mexican resturants like i am used to .. man I mi...