Greetings from hot tropical Queensland, and man is it hot.. I basically sweat vigorously whilst working at the lagoon and I generally love it .. but when its hot its uncomfortable.. oh well tomorrow is my day offski.. I am going to relax in the sun with factor 90 on - and not get a sun burn like 87% off the humans here .. always getting sunburnt to a crisp. silly and foolish all day long.. booom boom an't it great to be crazy.
they dont celebrate many holidays here like halloween, why celebrate one day when many of the people here are spooky the whole year . ha ha .. dont take that the wrong way ozzies. Theres no thanksgiving.. no pilgrims landed here.. HA HA I think they have big old Barbies for dec 25 and easter and things like that... bbq that is the ozzie staple.. what your celebrating something, lets throw meat on the barbie.. yep.. \
I had a falafel kebab burrito thang the other night it was quite nice..
they dont have mexican resturants like i am used to .. man I miss mexican food.. I eat a lot of indian food which is nice. i eat take away from a place called spicy bites.. right accross the road from my work.. they make a good curry ..
lets see.. they have a resturant called hungry jacks which is our Burger king.. the exact same but a different name.. I havent eaten there.. probably wont.. And Mc Donalds is called Mackers basic garbage in non-renewable packaging .. crap on a bun.
Aussie slang and language shortens everything .. Breky is breakfast, sunnies are sun glasses, chewy is chewing gun, ularo=see ya later, how ya goin' good day mate, se ya, I say se things 1000 times aday but as soon as i leave so will the expressions and essence.. I am missing some of the words and things i used to say in India al long time ago.. oh well.. my calendar is getting close to departure for new Zealand NZED November 30, 2007 sweet ass broa'
talk to u ltr mel