Hiya wonderful world.. I am at work after 12.5 hours of slow times.. Business is not very good when nobody shops well not exactly nobody but very few people and the weather is a big factor for the clientele here at the lagoon..
Anyway I did my laundry yesterday.. big day of domestic work.. .. wow talk about terrific news I am providing you .. Yeah I know pretty boring stuff well.. sorry folks..
OK here is not a boring episode.. I have been living in a room with only ladies for over one month and a half.. a six berth room.. three sets of kids bunk beds.. well that was room 52 ,, I quite enjoyed that room . because I was the longest resident and it was basically my room . the elder of the bunch, but then . a large group of Americans came to the Backpackers for a two night sleep over heading to Cape Tribulation .. well, I was relocated.. that wasn't so bad but this is where it gets interesting .. I had to live right next to the front door, luckily on the bottom bunk.. this was alright.. and then some girls moved out so . i took a back wall bed with a side table.. very helpful for my books and water bottle among the plethora of other things stacked upon it.. well....... Late about 8 pm I was entering the room from working a long 12 hour day and usually i just come home and grab a shower and then hang out, well this night was very different.. I opened the door and there we 4 very large cockroaches starring at me .. so I thought oh well just some cockroaches and proceeded further into MY room when all the sudden it appeared as if a black carpet with eyes was marching straight for me and then I started to freak out.. I was alarmed at how many there were.. no I am not talking 5 or even 10 I am talking at least 30 and then they started climbing the frigging walls .... at this point i was fully versed in yelling for help and screaming at the silly cockroaches I threatened them with a positive relocation plan that would leave them alive but .. just out side. and when I started relocating them out side more found there way in .. finally after 43 minutes of hell I went to get night watch and had him bring a few cans of horrible asthma-creating spray- in-humans and not so effective bug killer to the room, as well as big brooms and dust pans.. they couldn't believe the infestation .. And Frankly .. I hadn't seem one and then ALL THE SUDDEN The gates of hell open and viola they were out in full force.. like a crazy nightmare movie scene. Any way .. I was so stirred up and grossed out . that of course i was relocated into a boys dorm room . by the way a MUCH NICER ROOM... shit had I know that the co-ed and boys dorms were that nice I would have been staying in on the whole time I just figured girls would be cleaner and blah blah I was wrong.. the human race is full of pigs.. but any way . Now I am in room 16 and it is terrific..
OK then that is well . enough for one crazy story .. take real good care. and oh by the way /./ remember the expression when you were a child "Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite"? well THERE ARE actually bed bugs and they are terrible and the fill up on your blood all night while you sleep like tics and then appear to be red in color. oh they are so gross.. lucky for me I haven't had the experience of dealing with them but at the other hostel I was at.. yep they were present and discus~ting.. so ... yes there really are bed bugs and yeah cockroaches really can charge at you and form a team against you . and yes I am having fun still.. lots of laughs and love Mel
Just read your blog and laughing so hard I am crying. It is a great relief. Now I know what to get you for X-Mas or a welcome home gift. A cockroach farm for your very own. Love you, Aunt Vicki
Glad to hear you're enjoying the local fauna; those warmer climates sure do bring out the big bugs! I bumped into Roland the other day and he told me about your journeys, and I'm looking forward to following along. Stop by when you're back in Portland and say hi.
Jim (Carmin; of the John Wilson Room blah blah...)
Your description was so vivid that I hope never to encounter a similar herd of the buggers.
Just curious!