Hiya Strange world, I am back and this time refreshed and really to have a tell tale about my last night. My neighbour across the street has a brand new boat nice one too. he offered to take me out on its maiden voyage but i couldn't make it but last night I set off for a very eventful evening of night fishing, and oh what a night, we launched from a small town just north of where I live near Port Douglas, that's the pictures above. We set off to catch Spanish mackerel or something edible and let me tell you what we caught instead.
First stop, petrol and ice as we bought ice and the lot we came back to the vehicle and there was a lovely yellow large hummingbird flying around inside, this I thought was good.. If we can catch a bird with out trying we were sure to catch some fish. Launched the boat at 5pm 1.75 hours before sun fall. Absolutely beautiful. Crystal clear aqua marine water and the biggest permagrin on my face.. we be-lined, with the GPS recording, over to Double Island and Scouts cap island, apparently private property that the lifestyles of the rich and famous visit like, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, just to name a couple. Well now Me too, have your laugh, but I had more fun fishing, anyway ,. Set off and found a few spots to fish at. Me I was just so happy being on a boat very near the GBR. What an event and guess what.. I only paid for beer and bait.. how sick is that.. sweet ass bro that’s how sick. Anyway .. The sun set and the temperature never changed the water temp stayed at 26` and the air was warm and slightly breezy .. only a tank top .. then the nights sky started to fill with the most awesome blanket of stars to be see.. No other boats were present only the sound of the water hitting the bottom of the boat and a few crashing waves upon the island and the occasional sea bird squawking, basically bliss. Then there were dolphins.. two at first grey, real close to the boat chattering and then one more to follow about 50 meters behind. next came some serious shark action .. yep.. FISH ON BABY and what was it going to be? my first time fishing in the waters at the Great Barrier Reef and it was a fighting machine of a hammerhead.. What a lovely sight and good run for my money. Just a wee bugger only about 3 feet long but it snapped my 80 pound fish line like it was silly string. Then a few minutes later a couple Blue sharks, then some fish .. and more fish like a lovely speckled Cod that looked like a giraffe with its picturesque shaped spots. Lovely but too small for eating or I would have fried him up. and some other wrasse fish as well as some sweetlips and then a few blue emperor fish. Well the night persisted as it does and the next thing I know I am asleep with my fishing rod in my hands, well this lasted only twenty minutes I think and I got a big bite so the blood started pumping and I was back at it.. the night sky was the only light and of not far from the boat I heard what sounded like the worlds largest zipper.. and i grabbed the big maglite and there she was just surfacing a big green turtle coming up to breath and say hello right off the edge of the boat.. how exciting was that.. anyway the night rolled on until just after midnight and we decided to head back home.. what a great night and awesome fishing experience. Thanks neighbour mate and thanks to you .. Much love Melisa