The Melbourne Cup has been a day of glamour, prestige and celebration for the past 143 years and is that one Tuesday in November where Australia stops for a horse race. If there should ever come a day that a country might be vulnerable I would reckon that it would be yesterday:Melbourne Cup day yep that just might be it..
Fancy attire and what appears to me a classy feeling... all betting on a spectacular event where a 1000 pound beast pumps and snorts and grinds the grassy soil as it sprints into the distance with the jockey trying to get across the line first.. wow.. the thrill and rush. especially if you placed a bet.. like I DID>. yep .. I am not the gambling type.. NO SUR'REBOB but I managed to place 4 bets and guess what I did.. YES>>!! big beginners luck action happening for me.. I picked 3 of the top 4 horses and if I hadn't been such a cheep skate I would have broke the bank.. HA HA.. The WINNER was Efficient then Purple Moon then Mahler.. HOLY toledo.. the fourth placer was Zipping .. and Yep I picked 1 2 and 4 all up front.. and. I f I had been there in Melbourne .. I am sure I would have looked absolutely fab .. but I probably wouldnt remember a thing today ..
Peace and Love.. Melisa