Creepy Crawlies, I have become so accustomed to seeing the range of insects, spiders and frogs and snakes that now I just invite them in and give them tea and a biscuit, then send them outside. Its funny Most bugs want nothing to do with us stinky humans but there are a few that really like our companionship, those would be the cockroaches; funny shinny big eyed big antennae creep crawly jumpy things.. Well not to many more dramas.
What’s MORE, along this journey of mine I have travelled through Asia Minor. INDIA, well over 855,000 Kilometres, from the southern Most States of Kerala and Tamil Nadu to some of the Northern states including Sikkim, Rajasthan and Bihar. After doing the Mainland I decided to carry on to some of the most beautiful Islands ON the Face of the Planet. The Andaman’s, WOW baby talk about private wonderful and glorious. After Asia Minor I decided to carry on to Thailand thus far in the world of travel MY FAVOURITE place. Furthering my travel to, Myanmar, Lao and Cambodia all along the Mekong and the interiors, I never Had the experience in profusion like I am having with bugs. NOW I am here in Australia which is according to my Geography accomplishments, is Australasia, I've finally found the mother load of creepy crawlies..
Yes I experienced some of the most voracious Spiders in Loa and certainly I ate many many maggots and flies as well as crickets and cockroaches in Thailand and then there was the Bug of Cambodia, which included some of the best tasting ants ever BUT the SE ASIA countries seem to be the typical places where bugs live and the reputation supersedes the abundance.
But, Here in OZ.. Maybe because of the sheer size of OZ, makes it seem so much more tainted with these critters but I will tell you this ladies and gentlemen, I was told there are no issues at all with snakes, bed bugs, cockroaches, and other grossies in New Zealand.. WOhoo Whoo I will check it out in Person in less than 1 Month. Southern bound I am yep that’s right off to NZED.. YES> cant wait.
Well I am offski to rest take real good care and tune in later for more adventures from mel, the advocate for a zesty life.