AHHHH.. I finally made it NZED // I am sitting at a computer station .. I am listening to Allclassical.org.. as many of my people know this is my favorite radio station EVER... I am starting to weep .. As I am moved by the familiar piece of piano music conducted by Alfred Brendel, THE MOONLIGHT SONATA BY BEETHOVEN which evokes all emotions and allows me to feel sad and allows me to be engulfed with longing and .. then I ponder what am I doing .. where are my people. I made it to a remarkable place and where is my contentment.. I feel Like this is silly .. me traveling. I am ready for something extreme. I want to take a nice train ride soon and go to some of the most scenic places on Earth .. I heard someone say that /.. If they were going to die soon, and they wanted to see the world, they should only visit New Zealand.. You know what, I am starting to relish this idea.. as I look out the window and see the crisp air and mountains with clouds dancing on the tops of them .. everyone has their, scarves and hats and the total gear of winter and weather clothing is visually expressed by all the youth-full peppy travelers and locals alike.. people adorned in the latest technological attire to assist in the comfort of any season and yep they are very stylish .. but then there is me.. in my cute little white cardigan with detailed buttons and little beads that glitter and my chaco sandals where my feet are chilly and well, that is about it for the fancy gear.. how funny .. any way. West coast Bound.. first Train to Greymouth and then make my way south from there.. I want to end up in Queenstown for new years.. so that's my plan..
Ok then. I am only human reporting the life happenings of yep.. me.. till next time. love and peace .. its December 1st-- the first day of the rest of your life, live it to the fullest.. i will take my own advise.. gearing up to cheer up.. love M