Today was well spent with tour-walking around the Botanical Gardens in Christchurch, then ending up with a nice Nor' wester Beer from DUXdeLUX that weighed in at 6.4 % Yummy.. the garden was great.. walking around massive sequoias and hemlocks and oaks and pines.. shit I was missing home and then stood underneath a gigantic hemlock and lost it .. all emotions and feeling stirring and then the little cone on the tip of the Branch arrangement ..was strring right back at me and wow... oh man .. I thought I was home.. but then realized I am wearing a tiny tank top and its December 12Th and the sky was blue and the temperature was down right muggy and hot.. funny .. but .. very good time lapse.
anyhoo. I am still here and chomping at the bit to carry on and be very busy with travel.. because the busier I am the less i have to think about .. only getting to and from places.. great distraction travel is. best of wishes. love melisa
And we are ALL praying for the day when you decide to come HOME!!!!
Love you , Aunt Vicki