So .. get this, i hired a boat that was towed by a tractor and left from a beach called Hahei. I left the shore with a gleam in my eye and a certain pounding in my heart.. I wanted some fun and was looking for a great time and low and beyond a great time was unraveling with a super charged ride right out into the wide blue open which seemed like the middle of the sea. I called Clear and rolled backwards off the boat to arrive in an underwater fantasy .. the swells were a movin. the water was sort of chilly and then the submerge began. As I went down the anchor rope to find a cloudy view the water got less rough in the first meters or two. I kept slowly pulling and sinking with just the right ease and nothing to worry about until the cold BREEZE.. as I moved away from the anchor rope to see such a sight.. major under water pinnacles delivering a fright. the murky waters were rough and the current a pulling next thing i did was to get ready to fold.. as this sweeping fast current tried to pull me along I found tons of anchor lines to just reach and grab on ..the sea was a waxing and i was the wax. yet i found my recovery just a bit deeper into the crevasse. as I moved into darkness and only a slight bit of light the vertigo kicking in and i had the response- to make flight and in my attempt I swam up a bit only to find the current ripping right through the gap i needed to shoot.. so instead i just waited and pondered a bit how great life is with all its fits..
me thinking like a deep swimmer i turned in a huff, and there were millions of mussels waiting to be plucked and a few crays nestled on tight and then so lovely fish swimming in fright.. i waited a bit more and then saw the door out and flowing with the fish inside and out.. and finally to my surprise no danger at all.. I just got caught in a ripping tide pull. the lesson is this.. live life to the full... 'est
All my love in 2008 keep swimming and dive the next big rip tide MEl
This is one of my sites
Hapuka Rock
This reef, out of the bay heading towards Hot Water Beach, rises up out of nowhere to 6m, from a depth of 25m on the ocean side and 20m on the western end. The most startling feature is the sheer 20m drop off to the sand on a wall covered with jewel anemones, mauve finger sponges and colourful encrusting sponges. This is a top dive and can be very rewarding for the hunter, at certain times of the year. Being a pinnacle, the top 10m of the reef is a good area for spotting kingfish.
All is well here in Seattle...can't wait to see you again. Laughter until the wee hours of the morning, lot's of wine stories to tell you.-Adu
Kiss the Coral for me.