being a newbie to OZ, I am picking up the slang and learning the vernacular. Goon is the Backpackers Delight. Cheap, mediocre-alcohol-content, good ole' wine in a box. But there is a odd bonus. Goon, has bits of fish, milk and nut products in it used as a stabilizer for the lining in the bag inside the box, thus the youth Backpacking community thinks there are drinking a fishy, nutty milk drink mixed with wine.. sounds terrific right// Hilarious, I know.. Any way .. Goon is pouring daily here in Australia but they don't start selling it before 4 pm daily due to the nature of the drunkard.
Like I said in some previous blogs, drinking is rampant. the bottom line is that the world is totally full of people taking all kinds of libations to the extent of brain damage and disorderly conduct. I just read an article pertaining to the mental health of the Australian, drinking population.. there headed for big brain loss problems and unforeseen health issues later.. BUT.. Live for now.. Live for today live for the drink is pretty much the on going mantra.
I am getting desperate for a move so today I found a nice excursion to occupy my time with I am Going White Water Rafting and that should be a blast.. But until next time stay away from the goon unless it is FREE. Love M