If One can manage to arise up from bed while it is still morning ( before 12) even though they have arrived back to what they call home very early in the morning (5) them.. wow.. what a run.. but if not. there are a lot of wasted hours sleeping and
a stop of wisdom
as with the mentality here .... when the beers and goon stop flowing everything else is a waste of time according to the backpacker phenomena that I am subjected too. the people love to get bent,sloshed,knackered,pissed,wasted, F-#&* Up, slammed,trodden, BLAH BLAH crazy talk ..
Needless to state, this is a complete bullshit waste of time for me.. I am being annihilated with subjection,
But As a good girl I spent the night last night (of course) entering every dance competition there was and having a blast whilst not drinking anything.. what a go... plus I might have landed few bar jobs.. but .. I will refuse them.. do to the nature of the employment.. WITH ALL THE DRINKING MADNESS.. Any way .. I am Here for one reason and one reason only Focus Melisa .. To DIVE the GBR.. I have made the preparations and will make the jump soon. Love Melisa Hope and wisdom.