Hi there literary critics, Remember the movie Road to Wellville,? Well my recovery isn't going to be so glamourous, But atleast its happening without enimas hee hee hee.
I am back with my sanity only to try to keep it for the next 4 weeks while in recovery.
My last 8 days have proven that I am somewhat resiliant and can keep going on this Earth.
I just looked up images of the crash and my Vespa laying nearly dead on the ground, its sad. The articles are frightening they say something I dont know and cant remember, Life threatening, Nearly tragic, Unlikely recovery.... WOW ? I cant remember a single part, not even 5 minutes before and certainly not 2 hours after?. am I lucky? yes, everyone else is tramatized but I am the only one with injuries. Strange how the brain works or fails to work in defense of trama.
Oh well here's to Wellville and my not so glorious recovery.
Love M