Hello Handsome and gentle world, I am so delighted to report That I am nearly finished with my first week of teaching Adults' English, And as far as its going now, I hope it continues like this for years and years. I LOVE MY JOB. I REALLY LOVE THE WORK I DO. I have 84 students 90% are older than I am and this is super!
My students come from many lands and are eager to learn. This makes my job easier. When there is willing participation on the two ends of communication then things come into place with greater ease and flexibility. I love my students. They are the reason I am going to work hard and give 110 percent.
The drawbacks to my job are the commute. I have schedule that is good, I am very happy with it, I live in a town that I also am very happy with but.... the distance between work and home is well, pretty much at the max for living and working in Belgium. I am operating on an approximate 2 hour in and 2 hour out routine. YES you read that correctly 2 hours in and 2 hours out. GOLLY, Its normal that I will not see the beginning of the day and the end of the day because I leave in the night and come home in the night. KINDOF.
Anyway, til the next time.
Have a super weekend and do your homework!