Yesterday, I went to a ziekenfonds provider and registered as a new member of the Socialist reciprication and insurance program. I have an automatic quarterly withdrawl of 18 EURO which is about 25 dollars and I am covered everywhere in the world, shocking I know, Plus reimbursements.
Soon I will be recieving my SIS card which is Social Security Identity card that tracks records and keeps personal data in the system. Also, There are specific rights granted to People Living in Belgium that pertain to making sure a person can intergrate thus meaning MONEY from the Federal State to cover expenses whilst seeking a job. YES the TAXATION scheme is remarkable and eventually I will be paying half of my earnings to support me and the others but from where I stand today, not paying a single cent in I am ready with an open hand. Sounds like I am just hanging around collecting money. NO NO NO its not like that, Well we will see.
Hey Dont get any Ideas, Belgium is full enough so only come for a quick visit and spend your tourist Euro and then leave.
xo M
Ik ben de moeder van Stijn, en zo te zien ben je hier wel blij in Belgie.
Ik zou ook graag fietsen aan de Schelde.
Groetjes aan BART.