AS I am sitting here in my home in Oregon, I am reflecting on the life and times that have made me who I am. Goble is a special place, its isolated, thus quiet except when I am around or Cameron my nephew, but otherwise its nature and farm, wind and rain, and a few cows that bellow and a dog that is neurotic and a couple scaredy cats, and its HOME to all of us. My parents have made a wonderful place to grow. We all have our spot and it fits great really, sometimes there is a territory overlap and hisses may fly or barks may bark but generally is a peaceful place to be. I used to feed the cows and water them and ride tractors and make cow pie frisbees and play softball in the big hay fields and run around like a little Indian, and climb the biggest trees around and make forts and hide and seek and do firewood and well I grew up in Goble and then I left and grew up somemore, then I came back and did even more growing up and now its time to say good bye to GOBLE once again,
Thanks for all the memories and love and laughter. til next time.
love M