I was heading out for Okarito and saw a hitch Hiker as you do often in New Zealand due to the ease of hiking: freedom and cost .. so I picked him up.. We carried on talking for 260 Kilometers before the name game even happened.. you know the silly .. ( whats your Name) where you from .. how long you been traveling .. where you heading next,,, bull stuff.. but .. any way .. he was catching a train to Arthurs in the Pass .. And He needed to get to Greymouth /// so I arranged with a few of my mates to all have dinner at a nice pizza place in Greymouth and then we all got to talking and visiting .. what fun.. any way .. this mystery man was from Belgium..
.. Blah blah The best part is that I bought a train ticket and went on my way to Arthurs Pass with him on the trans alpine train .. then .. hitched hiked back 90 kilometeres to my car after the weekend.. it was all fun and exciting but now.....
I am back in christchurch after saying my farewells to my family there. and will be in Que for immigration tomorrow.. best of luck and happiness melisa