The spring has come and it is 34 degrees outside.. I mean is it darn hot, holy shnikies..
I am so happy, as a bonus I am going to a professional basketball game tomorrow night.. front row courtside tickets with 3 of my co workers and a mate of ours. at the cairns convention center, The Cairns taipans are playing the Melbourne tigers.. We should Be nice and root for the home team so .. Maybe I will ..
Here is something funny, "root".. means Sex or want to have sex.. only here in australia maybe in Newzealand as well.. you all back home wouldnt believe the languages here, not hearing these people and there slang is a big miss out. but I will keep you posted. ok then .. Have a great time keep rocking . Later gater M
Was so upset I missed your phone call this morning. I turned the phone off in the bedroom so I would not wake Gary in the mornings. So just barely heard it ringing and about broke my foot getting up to my office to answer and just missed you. I was terribly upset. You do sound great and happy and that I am glad of. I am blowing you a kiss, too!!!! Hope you get it.
Love You, Love Us, Aunt Vicki and Uncle Gary.