I did it again .. I went out on the town with the party bus, a double decker bus with an open top full of a rugby and football team as well as a ton of hot looking ladies. pretty much a complete party on wheels. Anyway .. it was the famous Ultimate Party Pub Crawl. go to five bars get in for free experiance rugby, drinking, coustumes and dancing competitions. Well this is where I won abother excursion to the dome casino here in Cairns, for wildlife viewing and relaxing, So I am going on the 26th of september.. I fell like free is a good value and since its free i will for sure go.. other than that.. just working 6 days qa week, loving it.. and loving the magnum ice cream bars from the shop.. today the weather was a bit cludy overcast, many many people stayed away from the man man lagoon and did other things.. usually the grassy field butressing up to the lagoon are completly pack with tan go'ers and soccer players.
till later,.,. Ta Melisa
Oh How did I win.. Well at the beginning of the night they passed out nuts to the boys and bolts to the girls.. and during the night as a way of interacting people tried to make a bolt and nut match together. If a match occured both of those people would recieve a price.. I found a bolt on the ground of the top floor in one of the bars and . some dude asked me if i had one and guess what.. the magic bolt got me a free wildlife viewing... nice work mel.
Aunt Vicki