Hello and long time.. well not long enough for me but i know you are waiting. Ha ha I am great really settling down to the idea of transition. I am still here in Beautiful Thailand and will stay a bit more then making my way to Angkor Wat, then the south of Thailand, Possible Ko Tao, they have the best weather now and the water is not to stirn up, is that a word. any way you get it. Then The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, I am delighted to jump and feel and see anew. So as far as everything else. the sobriety is easy again somewhere in the vicinity of 21 days maybe its 24 I don't care to count I just care to take-care and not consumer alcohol. so That is what I am doing. Thanks for the thanks.. I am listening to allclassical.org while i am typing and composing .. this email. You, we are so lucky to have that station.. it rocks my world entirely and completely .. here I am in Thailand 22 hours away, Yet I am in Portland Oregon With you all .. Just like my family and friends. cool man. More details as they happen. love melisa
I just wanted to say hi to you. I know we have not been much of friends in a long time. I want you to know you are on my mind alot. I hope you will be able to kick the drinking habit. I will keep you in my prayers. I hope you find what you seem to be soul searching for. If you ever need someone to talk to you know where I am. Thats really cool you are traveling the world. I'm sure you see lots of interesting people and customs. I thought of you at fair, remembering the times in the cow barns. Hope you had a nice birthday. Take care of yourself.
Your friend from the past,