SawadeesHa ~ Hi people of the world.. I am loving Thailand. Had an awesome 16 hour train ride, they left late. but I had two Sing Ha's and some fried beans with corn and I was set. I love the train. The best ride Ever. I slept like a baby n a nice size bed complete with sheets ad pillow and mattress and blanket. granted the Ac was on High so I could have used another blanket but all in all. 100 % great. I made it to my room in a guest house at 12:30 today April 6Th, I have pink sheets and a balcony .. nice for a girl like me. I will be going to all the antique shops around here, believe me .,. You can find almost anything, I am seeking and sniffing the old Shawnee trail, If I find a piece, I will pretty much pay what ever its marked.. but everything else we dicker and haggle until an agreement is found./ Thanks ทำสรหฟ