Good Evening Mates. this is the final hour. My last post until I find a computer in Germany or Bangalore. I have had a wonderful time in NY and expect my flights to be smooth and quick. The chill in the air is way to crispy on the bones. I am as my dad puts is "getting soft" because I left the farm, well he might be right because this cold is painful and I am glad I am outta here. BRRRRRRrrrrr its been in the 20s and windy. So long North America, SO long NY, so long Oregon, Be well. have fun and laugh often, hey more often than you do.............
Thanks M
Got the pics working on
Cmareon's Home Page
Hope you enjoy and hope trip is well.
So you are finally making the departure. Hope your trip to your first destination is smoothe as silk.
I found this article in a mag I was reading and it really hit home. Hope you don't mind that I pass it on.
Quote ' family relationships are really what makes us human: exploring them, transcending the, revealing them, giving in to them. Sometimes we deny them, avoid them, DESPISE them or abandon them. This is part of being human, working out these relationships either by journalizing them or acting on them.' Unquote.
As alway, Be safe, stay beautiful and be Free.!!!
We love and miss you already.
Aunt Vicki and Uncle Gary
Travel Safe...& be Well!!
Nice pix. Really cool.
love, u