Oh yet another f"§'èé"!é()à ing great time with the people of Inburgening. I called at 1230 to schedule an appointment for today, They told me my lady was out for this week and the next and that the person handling her accounts is in. So they gave me an appointment for 1330 to come in with my questions and receive the help I need.
So i rode My Bike and arrived early and It was another receptionist and she had to have a whole new explanation why i was there and why I couldn't see my own Trajectbegeleidster,
She told me to wait that another person has an appointment at 1330 also with the same person. so I waited and Hour until 1430 and Finally a man came to me and told me that he cant help me and that i must wait til next week for my appointed staff member and all this total bullshit and I was totally àéç"è'çè!é"§( pissed off and Now I have to waite even longer for my Lone or payment from my job because the 9!§"'è§heads can help me yet.
AHHHHH im pissed
But the sun is shinning