OK, So I still love my JOB and I am finding that its a good fit for me.
The only concern or big issue is managing my spare time and not working during those precious hours, and dealing with the commute.
The days are colder and the nights too. The rain is staying and creating a dank bone chilling feeling. It feels like Fall It feels like I am approaching the autumn of my years and the truth is from the weather I KNOW it.
Its the way we see change, the growth and renewal and the growth and decay and then the ultimate sleep, Death. I am certainly a long way from the end but i can see the difference and I truly feel it too.
I love my job still and tomorrow I will be audited and reviewed for performance and some other criteria I am not sure about. i am not worried. I love what I do.
I have 7 Blocks of 3 hours where I give lessons in/on English. Its great I have 5 blocks where I see the students once a week and 2 where they come 2times a week. My schedule for the week is Front loaded, meaning most of my work is in the beginning of the week. This is pretty awesome.
My Best day of the work (productively) is Monday So Its very nice that I have a very big class Monday morning and then an average size class in the evening at a different school.
Life is good
Love and prosperity.