there is a fall like appearance in the weather, making me feel like autumn is here. but I know that summer is here (Cairns) southern hemisphere and autumn is where I am from .. I bet the leaves are beautiful and the smell in the air is wonderful, with its crisp appeal and frosty overtones. Reminiscing is all i have, the amazing beauty that Oregon offers: My Family, My Friends My People My Place.
It is good to travel but somehow the autumn-time reconfirms the ebb and flow of life. As well, the cold winter that lurks and the aging process. even though i am not subjected to the season of autumn somehow i still feel the same and have a longing for my people and home. I know that home is where the heart is but usually mine is like all of ours in our chest, but lately mine is far away.
It is good to travel but somehow the autumn-time reconfirms the ebb and flow of life. As well, the cold winter that lurks and the aging process. even though i am not subjected to the season of autumn somehow i still feel the same and have a longing for my people and home. I know that home is where the heart is but usually mine is like all of ours in our chest, but lately mine is far away.
You asked "what are my people doing?" Well, besides missing you, I'll tell you what I'm doing. I just hung that great entrance mirror with hooks that I bought from you before you left. It looks great in this big beautiful house that we finally moved into, & I think of you every time I see it! (I wanted to write you sooner, but with moving I just got computer straightened out & finally up & running.)I caught up on all your posts & am lovin' following your trip. Wish I could meet you there & see all those wonders! If you get a chance to get on the web you can see pix of the house on the contractors web site. [] will open with the first 3 pix of this house. Then if you click on photo gallery a row of thumbnail pix will come up. The first 2 rows are other stuff, but rows 3 to 6 are all of our house. Check out the floor downstairs, it's all stamped concrete, even the brown wood planks are concrete. Pretty cool huh! Heat is under the floor so you have warm tootsies all winter. When you get back you definately must come & stay a few days. I retired in August so I'm home & free & no more commuting, YEAH!! Have a wonderful continuing "Great Adventure" & I will miss you lots until you are home again in Oregon. I send much love & hugs & good vibes that the rest of your trip will be prosperous & smooth sailing. You are too cool. Love Ya Lots, Chris